Humans of Wise-Sync: Meet Bec

Humans of Wise-Sync: Meet Bec

Our 'Humans of Wise-Sync' are the super-skilled and passionate ninjas behind the scenes, the warriors that champion to put our customers above and beyond, to enable one seamless sync after the next - the A1 team that makes the dream work. Next up, meet our Australia-based Customer Success Manager, Bec... 

Meet Rebecca (Bec)

Q: Bec, you’re one of our earliest team members, with over six years’ experience as a certified ninja here at Wise-Sync! Can you recall what initially drew you to the company all those years ago?

Bec: Prior to working for Wise-Sync, I was a Service Delivery Manager at a Managed Service Provider (MSP) in Adelaide. The company had implemented Wise-Sync in 2013, and at the time I was really impressed with how the product was both focussed on, and designed for, MSP businesses.

HOWS - Bec

I loved the virtual terminal solution, and scheduling automatic payment processing was just so easy! Here was a product set that could really make a difference for MSPs - and I wanted to be apart of it.   

Q: Amazing! You definitely put the BEC in our core values #BECIO (Believe, Engage, Collaborate, Innovate, Own It), and as our customers often say, you’re incredibly passionate and dedicated to your role - what makes you love what you do?

Bec: (Laughs) I definitely get very excited and passionate when talking to our amazing partners across the world. I love being a Wise-Sync Customer Success Manager as I feel really honored when I have the opportunity to work with our partners' businesses, and to be able to hear their journeys. Not one business that I’ve worked with over the past six years has been the same, and that makes it really interesting. I want to see everyone succeed.

HOWS - Bec

From my time working in an MSP, I wholeheartedly know the importance of maintaining cash flow in a business. I also appreciate that most people, business owners especially, are time-poor - and this is where our solution set comes in. Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay provide the tools to make a real difference to a business. I thrive on the moments when I’m working with a partner and a lightbulb goes on! They can see solutions to some of their financial processing challenges, as we create efficiencies in their business.

Q: Of course, a huge part of your role involves having to continually learn all of the systems as they evolve so that you’re able to wholly support customers everywhere from their onboarding experience, to wanting to upgrade, perhaps add inventory or procurement, and so forth - 

How would you comment on the evolution of Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay and its integration over the past decade? And how do you see this future shaping out?

Bec: The systems we use and more broadly, the wider industry, are continually developing. Over the past decade, Wise-Sync has continued to lead these changes through expert-led service and an understanding of the needs of our partners. Our partners need accurate financial information available at their fingertips, and simple payment solutions to manage their cash flow. Wise-Pay is the answer and the future.

Q: Incredible! For aspiring Customer Success Managers within the SaaS (Software as a service) world, are there any educational resources in particular that you would recommend? Even books or podcasts that have helped you to grow within your role? 

Bec: Customer Success is about proactively building ongoing relationships with each and every one of our partners, and ensuring that they get the best value out of their investment, in Wise-Sync or any other SaaS product. 


I like to stay up-to-date on changes and challenges in our industry through industry news channels such as ARN and CRN, and more social channels, where I'm sometimes lurking quietly across the Tech Tribe forums (a great go-to). 

There are a number of books which shaped how I approach my role, and I love learning and reading broadly. The first book I ever read on Customer Success wasn’t written for SaaS but rather hospitality; The Hospitality Jungle by Max Hitchins, which outlines the key nine principles on how to succeed in business, along with the
core principles we can use in any interaction including SaaS - 

It's the simple things such as taking the moment to say thank you, remembering a person’s name or how to bounce back after a setback... keeping your mind open, and leveraging all experience is essential to the Customer Success Manager role.

Q: Bec, we’re all so proud of you and the wonderful work you do in contributing to a great cause! Of your many marathons, in May this year, you hiked more than a staggering 72km (45 miles) to raise awareness of bowel cancer on behalf of the Jodi Lee foundation - remarkable! Can you tell us more about this experience, and what drives your personal investment in such philanthropy?

Bec: The 72km trek was a huge and emotional experience! For me it represented the culmination of a very challenging four years. I’m grateful for the support of my colleagues at Wise-Sync as well as my family and friends in fundraising for the Jodi Lee Foundation and creating awareness of the symptoms of Bowel (Colon) Cancer.

JLF- endFour years prior, in May 2018, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer. I consider myself fortunate as for most people under the age of 50, this is a cancer that is often not picked up till it has spread to other parts of the body (Stage 4), and the survival rates at that stage are pretty depressing.

As a result of the cancer, I needed surgery and six intensive months of chemotherapy. Afterwards, I was still really unwell and I needed a goal - I set myself the challenge of completing the 72km Jodi Lee Foundation SA Trek.

Along the way, I’ve discovered a love for running, participating in weekly parkrun 5km events, and more recently, this year's half-marathons (completing Canberra and Adelaide so far). I’m not sure if/when a full marathon is in my future, but I’m not stopping yet!

I’m also happy to confirm I’m now cancer-free, fitter, stronger and healthier than I’ve ever been. I’m looking forward to celebrating my five year cancer-free milestone at next year’s Jodi Lee Foundation SA Trek.

Q: Remarkable. Congratulations, Bec! Now, before we wrap up, we must ask - if you won a $10 million-dollar lottery tomorrow, what would you do?

Bec: $10 million! Not sure I could spend it all at once, but certainly I would be packing my bags and taking the family for a holiday in Japan, preferably in spring or autumn (fall). I love the country, the food and the culture. I guess you could say it’s the ninja in me. After that, you'll probably find me back here at Wise-Sync. I’m still hooked and looking forward to seeing where we go next!
