Join us at IT Nation

Join us at IT Nation

IT Nation 2015

Join us at the ConnectWise IT Nation conference for an unparalleled IT solutions experience. The event runs from the 11th to the 13th of November, and is the largest of its kind anywhere on the planet.

The conference is a networking wonderland, giving you the chance to rub shoulders with the top names in the industry while developing your professional skillset and knowledge base. We’ll also be there to highlight the hows and whys of achieving accounting nirvana using ConnectWise and Wise-Sync.

The modern business environment is more technologically adept than ever before, streamlining and optimizing traditionally time-consuming and clunky processes. This is especially the case with accounting software, as it’s fundamentally changed how financial services are provided. Wise-Sync is a great example of going one step further, as it lets you integrate your accounting software with the ConnectWise business management platform as well as cloud accounting platforms.

We’ll also be introducing Wise-Pay at the conference. It’s a new feature that makes receiving payments a breeze. Through ConnectWise and Cloud accounting software, you’ll be able to manage credit card and direct bank payments for multiple merchants, as well as automate payment acceptance in a simple and versatile interface. With support for multiple payment providers including Authorize.Net, Stripe and Braintree to name a few, Wise-Pay is changing the payment landscape for ConnectWise and Quosal partners for the better.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to share learning with business owners from around the world while making IT history.

If you're coming along, register to see our new platform Wise-Pay. Apply today