How we overcame our #1 support request and it wasn't the elusive Any key.

How we overcame our #1 support request and it wasn't the elusive Any key.

Over the past four years (can't believe that I just said that), Wise-Sync has gone through a number of iterations. Mostly to improve or extend functionality. 

We'll today we released v4.3.11, which is more releases than we can remember. But with each release we're always trying to improve the functionality of Wise-Sync and even moreso Wise-Pay which is quickly evolving into a powerful payment automation application.

ConnectWise in its own right is a complex beast, and configuring the GL Entries is something that even seasoned ConnectWise ninja can go cross-eyed over, some even prefer to get deep into Workflow rules, rather than figure out where Deferred Revenue should be posted to on your Balance Sheet.

As a new partner to ConnectWise in 2010, I remember clearly the time when I had to decode the matrix to understand how these cascading GL Mappings actually worked. It wasn't until later in 2011 when we started to scope Wise-Sync (then it was called CW2Xero - how unique), that we started to really understand the function - and sometimes even I marvel about the way in which the system is designed.

One of the challenges is always working within  the constraints of the ConnectWise API and restrictions that  may be imposed on certain functions or system designs that were not designed for the extent that Wise-Sync was to make use of the API and the underlying components..

One of those functions is the "Product ID" a field that up-until 2015.4 was not able to be edited when the accounting interface was set to "Other" which is the setting required for Wise-Sync to function.

Back in the days of ConnectWise Version v2012.2 when we were building our first release, we created this additional segment of the accounting interface called "Non-ProductID".  It was there so that we could post revenue such as "Service" or amount based revenues to a "Product" or "Item" on the invoice in Xero. It deviated from the ConnectWise best practice of using the Product ID, but as we couldn't edit that field, we had to improvise. 

Who'd have thought that four years and over 300 partners later we'd be still banging on about this field to the point that we even have a special article titled "Explaining the Non-Product ID" that is the #1 page on our KB. The fact that is, it's still the most commonly reported issue in the sync result (error logs). Talk about a baptisim by Non-ProductID fire!

Regardless of how we tried to explain it, we always received support requests from partners that just couldn't wrap their heads around how this Non-ProductID was supposed to function. It was almost as elusive as the ANY key - where does it go and how on earth do you get it in there?

So without further ado, we release a new, much anticipated feature (mainly from our support team) - this value will now be defaulted in Wise-Sync, to ensure that where a Non-ProductID is not provided that a default can be set. HOORAY!

You can edit this setting under your Account > Tracking  Categories settings. New sign ups from today, will have these settings enabled by Default and it will only be applied when a Non-ProductID is not provided as part of the supplied GL Account Mappings sent through from ConnectWise.


Currently the above functions are only operable in Xero, we're working on the QBO implementation as I type.

For those with a keen eye, you might also see the  new function to map "Sales Rep" to a Xero Tracking field (enabled in our screenshot), this will provide Territory Based tracking, providing the Sales Rep XRef from the Territory through to the Xero revenue and expense lines for all transactions that are recorded (Invoice, Inventory Trasaction, Expense, Purcase Orders), allowing partners to view territory based financials - opening the financial reporting to even greater visibility.

If you'd like to know more about how you could benefit from the Tracking functions in Xero, CONTACT US to book a Consulting Session today. 

Here are some of the other features in this release:



  1. Default Non-Product ID
  2. Ability to set a Tracking Category in Xero from the Territory Sales Rep XRef in ConnectWise
  3. Ability to run multiple Onboarding Projects per account (Wise-Sync / Wise-Pay)

View Wise-Sync Release Notes



  1. New Feature: Wise-Pay Virtual Terminal allows you to add a Quick Link to accept payment directly from within ConnectWise.
  2. Ability to set multiple Automatic Payment Terms mappings per payer.
  3. Override Surcharge for Automatic Payment Terms, allowing you to set the surcharge payable by billing term.
  4. Change of flow when adding Payers, "Save & Edit" button added to New Payer screen.
  5. Send Password Reset button now available for Payer Admin
  6. Added Totals ($) to Widgets
  7. Ability to delete Cards and Bank Accounts
  8. Ability to delete Automatic Terms (Mappings)

View Wise-Pay Release Notes


If you'd like more information on Wise-Pay or would like to book a consulting session; don't hesitate to reach out to our team on