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Wise-Sync Version v4.3.8 Deployed
Wise-Sync Version v4.3.8 Deployed
1 minute read time
We've updated Wise-Sync to include support for ConnectWise Version v2016.3 (which will go beta in the coming days). Included in this new release is support for complex tax mapping and re-archtecture...
Quick Link for ConnectWise
Quick Link for ConnectWise
1 minute read time
We've updated Wise-Sync to include the new QLink for Accounts, which ensures that were able to maintain the strict levels of PCI Compliance, when accessing Wise-Sync from within ConnectWise's inbuilt...
Join us at IT Nation
Join us at IT Nation
1 minute read time
Join us at the ConnectWise IT Nation conference for an unparalleled IT solutions experience. The event runs from the 11th to the 13th of November, and is the largest of its kind anywhere on the...
MSP Learning Event in Melbourne
MSP Learning Event in Melbourne
1 minute read time
Wise-Sync is excited to be part of a new MSP focused learning event, to be held right here in Melbourne. This free event is to share learnings from what these innovative companies have learnt from...