Quick Link for ConnectWise

Quick Link for ConnectWise

We've updated Wise-Sync to include the new QLink for Accounts, which ensures that were able to maintain the strict levels of PCI Compliance, when accessing Wise-Sync from within ConnectWise's inbuilt browser.

Following our most recent update (4.3.6) which saw the introduction of the XSS mitigation, if the main application site was used as a custom menu entry, the site would not load as it would be blocked.

To help resolve this issue, a new feature was released today in 4.3.7 (10 Feb, 2016) that enables an account level Q-Link to function providing the necessary security to allow the application to run within ConnectWise.

To access Wise-Sync's Invoice Processing from within ConnectWise, you'll need to:

  1. Create an Account Quick Link. KB Article: Creating a Quick Link
  2. Download the Wise-Sync  Wise-Sync-Device-512.png  Device Logo
  3. Create a Custom Menu Entry in ConnectWise
  4. Enjoy not having to navigate outside of your PSA to access Wise-Sync