Every journey to success starts at the beginning.

Every journey to success starts at the beginning.

We've all heard the adage that every journey always starts at the beginning. Which makes you wonder which journey ever started at the middle, or the end. The point is, as silly as this saying is - it's so logical, it hurts your brain to think there could be another way.


So we pondered this when we considered a new partners journey
to the far reaches of Cloud Accounting.
ne should never go it alone.


In the 4 years we've been setting up customers for syncing success, we have seen a lot that we'd count as a success and many that were destined for struggle town. Having facilitated over 150 onboarding projects in the last 12 months, where as basic setups to extended business transformations; our one goal is to see records synced with minimal effort, some say with syncing success.

The challenge though is that Wise-Sync, ConnectWise and Cloud Accounting have all evolved to the point where we just can't expect that you'll know what to do, to have a syncing good time. When more often than not, those that go it alone end up wasting countless hours trying to figure out the nuances of each application and the fickle configuration steps to make it work.

The key point here is that we have found that around 1 in 10 people that sign up to Wise-Sync never get a decent sync.  Sometimes we watch partners fumble around trying to figure out what to do with a sea of red errors - and it's unbearable!

We pride ourselves on the fact that as an integration we are always looking to create more robust processes to push data from ConnectWise to cloud accounting, while ensuring 100% accuracy when we deal with records. The challenge is that ConnectWise, Wise-Sync and Xero all need to be configured correctly for the celestial event that we call the Sync Aurora, to appear. That's the green glow of Successful Records Posted to the cloud (it's most prominent between the 1st and 10th of the month).

So whether you're a small operator looking to save a few hours of admin time each week, or a multi-national looking for some serious streamlining of systems and processes, there is one thing in common - it's best not to go it alone.


Not all Implementations are created equal

Having looked at literally hundreds of ConnectWise setups, we've learned a thing or two that we can share. We've used this knowledge to create the processes and systems used by our Implementation Consultants to ensure our Onboarding Services Packages are designed to achieve the fastest possibile pathway to sync success.

When you select a plan, the features and configuration required directly correlate with your Onboarding needs, and keeping this in mind we are changing our process to ensure you have the support needed when you signup.

From August 15th, 2016 all new signups will benefit from Onboarding Services, so whether you're just looking for a quick sync fix, or more detailed implementation or conversion needs; we've got you covered.

When you checkout, the basic Onboarding Services required for your journey to success will be added to your cart. From there, you can kick back and relax as we do the fiddly bits for you.


Wise-Sync Onboarding Services

Onboarding Services        

Suitable for Plan or purpose Web Coaching With Consultant Cost (ex tax)
3 Hour Basic Onboarding  MiniMe, Paper Pusher & Procuremeister 1 hour session to see how it all works. $795.00
4 Hour Advisory Onboarding MiniMe, Paper Pusher, Procuremeister & Sync-Ninja
 - May include Inventory Setup or Tracking Codes
2 hour session to work through Inventory or Tracking Codes $1060.00

10 Hour Extended Advisory

All Plans
 - Conversions from other Accounting Packages
 - COA Reviews
 - SLI Reporting 

Multiple Recorded GoTo Meeting Web Coaching Sessions $2400.00

20 Hour Extended Advisory

All Plans
 - Complex Financial Systems Restructuring
 - Major Process Review

Multiple Recorded GoTo Meeting Web Coaching Sessions $4400.00


Wise Pay Onboarding Services

Merchant Services Integration Points Cost (ex tax)
IntegraPay  Managed IntegraPay Application:
  • Priority Application Submission to IntegraPay
  • Configuration of Integration Points
  • Merchant Configuration
  • Setup of Accounting System (Default Accounts)

Integration Setup & Onboarding

2 Hour Consultant led onboarding session, covering:

  • Merchant Configuration
  • Surcharge Configuration
  • ConnectWise Email Template
  • ConnectWise Customer Portal
  • Quosal Order Porter*
  • Xero Payment Services*
  • Managing Payers
  • Automatic Payment Setup

* Optional if used by partner.

3rd Party Direct Application to 3rd Party, not managed by Wise-Sync

Integration Setup & Onboarding

2 Hour Consultant led onboarding session, covering:

  • Merchant Configuration
  • Surcharge Configuration
  • ConnectWise Email Template
  • ConnectWise Customer Portal
  • Quosal Order Porter*
  • Xero Payment Services*
  • Managing Payers
  • Automatic Payment Setup

* Optional if used by partner.




Are these fixed cost services?  Short answer is no, but we can get you syncing in the budgeted time. If you've been using ConnectWise for a while, you'll know it can be a veritable minefield of complexity, so while your Implementation Consultant's top priority is to get you syncing within the Onboarding Project budget, there may be issues identified that we advise you that must be addressed.  There may also be homework to do yourself (hint: no one wants to pay a Consultant to do data entry etc).

If you are new to using ConnectWise, this can present a different range of challenges.  We assume a basic understanding of ConnectWise Finance (billing rates, invoicing, etc) - so if we need to show you how to do these things, it will eat into your Consulting time.  

You can minimize the likelihood of this happening by doing some homework first - the team members who will be involved in both the day-to-day ConnectWise Finance operations and the project manager working on the implementation should hit the ConnectWise University.  Start with the Finance Clerk and Finance Manager modules to ensure your team is comfortable with Billing Rates, Tax Codes & Invoicing prior to your first Web Coaching session with your Consultant.

Be aware that any project overage is billed at the rate of $265 per hour (ex tax) per hour upon completion of the project (or $240 or $220 per hour (ex tax) for Extended Advisory Engagements).  Your Consultant will advise you if they feel you would benefit from additional Consulting Services.


In a standard Onboarding engagement , there still may be a requirement from you and your team to complete items yourself.  Either for cost reasons - for example you don’t want to pay a consultant to spend time updating or adding a lot of GL mappings. Other items requiring your action may relate to decisions around business financials, and will need to be made by the business owner/s, possibly in conjunction with your financial controller or accountancy advisor.  Example may be if there is a need for a restructuring of a Chart of Accounts, or business process changes. These items will have to be completed within the specified timeframes or it may delay the implementation by affecting the Consultant's ability to proceed, and may affect scheduling or take up budgeted project hours if not finalised before the appropriate session.


What are the steps to get me syncing?

  1. Signup here -  Plans and Pricing or use the signup link provided by your Sales Consultant
  2. Connect a Google Account for each User in Wise-Sync that will be across the project  wisesync.link/ConnectGoogleAccount
  3. Provide ConnectWise Admin User details - We’ll send you a ConnectWise ticket notification with a link to a Google questionnaire requesting this (and we ask for the password to be provided separately by replying to that ticket).
  4. Invite onboarding@wise-sync.com to your accounting package as an Adviser in Xero or as an Admin in QBO.
  5. We'll assign your Consultant, who will contact you about availability and will:

o Complete the Base Setup

o Schedule your first GoTo Meeting Web Coaching session (recorded for you to retain for future reference).

o Get you syncing!


Let us know if you have any questions! Email us consulting@wise-sync.com