Webinar Recap | Survive and Thrive: Maximizing Service Management in a Remote World

Webinar Recap | Survive and Thrive: Maximizing Service Management in a Remote World

Wise-Sync presents Survive and Thrive, a webinar series specially dedicated to sharing key insights and industry-led advice to guide fellow businesses facing an economic downturn.

The fourth segment in our series, 'Maximizing service management in a remote world,' hosted by Todd Kane, President, Evolved Management Consulting, and Paul MacNeill, CEO & Founder of Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay, reveals the various fundamental approaches* that businesses can take in order to maximize their service management while working within a remote world. 

What is service excellence, and how do we achieve it within a remote model? 

Todd Kane and Paul MacNeill explain what it means to achieve service excellence, including the importance of creating and maintaining value-based connections, supporting your team, and how to measure if your resources are best deployed for a modern working from home (WFH) model.

Don't micromanage, set clear expectations and empower. 

"Everybody is busy, what are you actually chasing?" is the fundamental question. Kane discusses how to get the best out of your team through practical means; setting KPIs, making your expectations crystal clear, and ensuring that the work being done is in order to achieve "quality closes" and client satisfaction (not just "ticking off" tickets), whereby quality assurance is performed to empower productivity and to promote accountability not to discourage or pressure employees into feeling undervalued. 

Here, Kane further explains how businesses should also be asking better questions to promote greater productivity. For any business owner fearful of the major impact that remote work could have on their team culture, Kane offers leading strategies for mitigating these cultural challenges.

What are my fiscal responsibilities from a service management perspective? 

Kane and MacNeill walk-through how to both identify and prevent "a service leakage," through the ability to understand your financial metrics, plan your workday accordingly, and most importantly, take an active approach to net new projects. 

Further to this, Kane explicates, the primary reasons for focusing on project delivery, which includes resource scheduling and modelling, forecasting and prioritizing service delivery metrics from a profitability and project delivery standpoint.

Businesses need to ensure that once their backlog is cleared from weeks on-end spent catching up, that there are net new projects coming through as this will be the make-or-break decider between just getting by next month, or being able to thrive in the future. Here, MacNeill adds why it's vital to focus on your accounts receivable days and to implement systems that ensure the opportunity to get paid sooner

Check out the Service Manager Course

Simply scan the following QR code to get started, or visit ITisabusiness.com to learn more.

For the full recap of this webinar, please watch the recording above. 


Survive and Thrive: Deep dive into metrics with MSPCFO - co-hosted by Larry Cobrin, CEO & Founder, MSPCFO

Wednesday, 6 May at 08:00am (AEST)

We look forward to seeing you online then!



*DISCLAIMER of General Advice: The information provided to you during this webinar and throughout this blog post, is general in nature only and not specific to your circumstances. Wise-Sync and our panel of experts disclaim all liability for any losses or damages arising in relation to the information provided. We recommend you obtain any legal and financial advice for your specific situation from your trusted advisors.