Wise-Sync Update - 17 February 2020

Wise-Sync Update - 17 February 2020

It's official, ConnectWise v2020.2 is out, and we're ready to sync! To provide complete support for ConnectWise v2020, we've made quintessential updates to Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay to allow for one seamless cross-platform sync, so read on for our latest additions...

17 February 2020

Wise-Sync Update

General Release:
  • This release encapsulates varied updates in order to entirely facilitate ConnectWise v2020.2, while providing extended support for Datto Autotask SOAP API v1.6, and more.  
Support for ConnectWise v2020.2:

Support for Datto Autotask PSA SOAP API v1.6:

Graceful Timeout Handling:
  • Previously, when a Wise-Sync or Wise-Pay session timed out, the end-result wasn't impressive - we've corrected this. Now, this session will automatically close, and display the login screen.

For other updates regarding this release, you can view our full release notes here

17 February 2020

Wise-Pay Update


'Pay Now' Improvements: 
  • Our newly enhanced 'Pay Now' links assure the ideal functionality required to ensure that you get paid on time; now, customers can easily pay invoices via our new 'Pay Now' link type via 'Event Notifications,' which you can find out more about here

Navigating to Wise-Pay via ConnectWise Quicklinks:
  • Prior to this update, any user entering Wise-Sync via a quicklink in ConnectWise, and then attempting to navigate to Wise-Pay, may have experienced some difficulty - this issue has now been corrected to make it error-free.

  • Now, users will be prompted to open their web browser and login to Wise-Pay instead.

For other updates regarding this release, you can view our full release notes here.

Wise-Sync provides a streamlined and stress-free solution for integrating ConnectWise Manage or DattoAutotask PSA to Xero and QuickBooks Online. With Wise-Sync, long gone are the days of double entry, painful procurement and endless data errors because now, at just the click of a button - you can balance your books and revel in the greater financial visibility and improved cashflow that every MSP desires. Some call it “magic”, we call it Wise-Sync.

To find out more about how we can help you, speak to our friendly team today.