Wise-Sync Update - 19 December 2019

Wise-Sync Update - 19 December 2019

Just in time for Sync-mas... a new update for Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay is now available. These new product releases include exclusive support for ConnectWise Manage v2020.1, refined batch handling features, some important bug fixes, and further improvements to enhance the overall user experience.


19 December 2019

Wise-Sync Update

Support for ConnectWise Manage v2020.1: 
  • ConnectWise Manage users, Wise-Sync now supports ConnectWise v2020.1. If you've upgraded to this new version, please update your Wise-Sync 'Accounts' to enable this support.

Support for the New DPTaxableFlag for Down Payment Invoices (Applied Revenue) - ConnectWise v2020.1: 
  • Recently, ConnectWise Manage changed how they pass the taxable flag for down payment invoices via both their SOAP and REST integrations for v2020.1 - 

  • We've made an update to support this newly added feature. 

Improved Batch Handling of a Terminated Sync: 
  • Previously, terminated syncs were visible in ConnectWise Manage, the elected Accounting Package, or Wise-Pay (where needed), which meant users had to visit a location away from Wise-Sync in order to see exactly where their sync had finished - 

  • Now, we've corrected this handling of terminated syncs to assure that in the event of a terminated sync, whether that's caused due to an API issue or manually terminated on our end, Wise-Sync will capture the batch that was created at the time of termination. 

For other updates regarding this release, you can view our full release notes here


19 December 2019

Wise-Pay Update


Late Bank Debit Rejections (IntegraPay):
  • When a bank debit is processed, Wise-Pay receives a response from IntegraPay to indicate that the payment was successfully processed. Here, Wise-Pay marks the invoice as 'Paid' and then applies the payment to the invoice via the Accounting Package.

  • In the event that a payment was later rejected in IntegraPay, Wise-Pay wouldn't update the status of the invoice to indicate that the payment had in fact, failed. This issue has now been corrected in order to improve the general communication throughout these scenarios, see the detailed improvement here.

Payer Status Improvements (IntegraPay): 
  • This release sees improvements to how a Payer's 'Credit Card', 'Bank Account, and the 'Payer' (overall), is being displayed in the 'Payer Admin' screen. Please visit here for a complete breakdown of the new color codes used to represent each status.

Improved Cache Handling:
  • There were reported instances of missing or incorrectly displayed data, which was caused by an incomplete cache refresh upon loading the following lists/screens: 'Payer Admin', Wise-Pay Dashboard (all widgets), 'Outstanding Batch Payments and Pay Now', and 'Automatic Payments and (ad-hoc) Payments'.

For other updates regarding this release, you can view our full release notes here.

Wise-Sync provides a streamlined and stress-free solution for integrating ConnectWise Manage or DattoAutotask PSA to Xero and QuickBooks Online. With Wise-Sync, long gone are the days of double entry, painful procurement and endless data errors because now, at just the click of a button - you can balance your books and revel in the greater financial visibility and improved cashflow that every MSP desires. Some call it “magic”, we call it Wise-Sync.

To find out more about how we can help you, speak to our friendly team today.