Wise-Sync Update - 29 September 2020

Wise-Sync Update - 29 September 2020

29 September 2020 

Wise-Sync Update

For ConnectWise partners using QuickBooks Online' (QBO) Automated Sales Tax (AST), we've made further improvements to AST error handling for your full convenience:

  • When syncing invoices to QBO while AST is enabled, it is no longer a requirement that Wise-Sync matches the 'Tax Code Name,' as this is not a required field - instead, QBO will match the invoice's tax amount and apply the tax rate based on that invoice's provided 'Shipping to' address.
  • In the event that the invoice tax is out of balance, only the tax override adjustment will be applied (when AST is enabled) - an invoice adjustment will no longer be applied on top of the tax override adjustment. If you're a user based in the US, please see 'QuickBooks Online Automated Sales Tax for ConnectWise Manage (US Region)' for further information.

A Brand-New User Interface: 
  • It's just the beginning! In this release, we've visually enhanced the log-in screen to excite users with a brand-new and ultra-modern user interface, which we'll be rolling out in its entirety over the next few releases (so stay tuned for more exciting updates). 

Logging into Wise-Sync with 2FA (Two-factor authentication):

  • From October 1, 2020 - all users and payers associated with an Australia-based Wise-Pay account will now be required to enter a verification code in order to log in to Wise-Sync and/or Wise-Pay:
  • When attempting to login, if the user is yet to configure an authenticator app - then alternatively, a verification code is automatically sent to the registered email address;
  • Here, users are provided with the option to either continue using email verification, or, to set-up an authentication app as their preferred verification method;
  • If you require assistance with 2FA configuration, please see this article for your simple how-to guide

Why is 2FA required for Australia-based users?
  • In line with the Australian Software Business Association, and by extension through our integration partners, 2FA is now a mandatory requirement for third-party systems that provide access to sensitive company data. 
  • While this creates additional steps to access our platform, we also recognize that 2FA is an essential security standard needed to help safeguard your account from unauthorized users. 

What's to come? 
A single sign-in: That's right, you'll shortly be able to sign-in to Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay with a single sign-in by simply using your Azure ID.


For further information regarding this release, you can view our full release notes here. To see what's changed from the previous Wise-Sync release (22 June 2020), simply visit here


29 September 2020

Wise-Pay Update

A Brand-New User Interface: 
  • Both Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay are undergoing exciting new changes! Visually immerse yourself within a fresh, strikingly-new user interface, specifically a brand-new log-in screen and footer, where we'll be making further developments throughout the next few releases (we'll keep you posted with updates).

Logging into Wise-Pay with 2FA (two-factor authentication): 
From October 1, 2020 - all users and payers associated with an Australia-based Wise-Pay account will now be required to enter a verification code in order to log in to Wise-Pay:
  • If an authenticator app has not been configured, a verification code is automatically sent to the registered email address provided during login;
  • At login, users will be able to choose to either continue using email verification, or, to to set-up an authentication app as their preferred verification method;
  • If you require assistance with 2FA configuration, please see this article for your simple how-to guide - to find out why 2FA is required for Australian users, please refer to our Wise-Sync release notes above. 
What's to come? 
  • A single sign-in: That's right, you'll shortly be able to sign-in to Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay with a single sign-in by simply using your Azure ID.
  • An enhanced payment experience: We're currently developing a new and improved Guest Payment process to enhance the overall payer experience; when making an invoice payment, payers will soon be able to login or register to be a Wise-Pay payer - by doing this, payers will have the option to pay their invoice via bank debit where their Merchant allows for bank debit payments.

For further information regarding this release, you can view our full release notes here. To see what's changed from the previous Wise-Pay release (22 June 2020), simply visit here.

Wise-Sync provides a streamlined and stress-free solution for integrating ConnectWise Manage or DattoAutotask PSA to Xero and QuickBooks Online. With Wise-Sync, long gone are the days of double entry, painful procurement and endless data errors because now, at just the click of a button - you can balance your books and revel in the greater financial visibility and improved cashflow that every MSP desires. Some call it “magic”, we call it Wise-Sync

To find out more about how we can help you, speak to our friendly team today.