Wise-Sync & Wise-Pay Update - 8 October 2019

Wise-Sync & Wise-Pay Update - 8 October 2019

A new version 4.6.9 / 1.6.9 for Wise-Sync and Wise-Pay is now available. These new product releases facilitate the improved re-syncing of invoices from Datto Autotask PSA and ConnectWise Manage, including various bug fixes and enhanced features to allow for greater functionality, communication, and more.

The release highlights for Wise-Sync (v4.6.9) and Wise-Pay (v1.6.9) include significant bug fixes for both Mr Miyagi subscribers and QuickBooks Online users, an enriched syncing operation for Datto Autotask PSA and ConnectWise Manage, and several bug fixes to overall augment the ConnectWise REST Integration currently in Beta. 

Version / 4.6.9 / 1.6.9

Wise-Sync - Version

Important Bug Fixes:
  • For any user signing up to the Mr Miyagi plan, there was an issue with the subscription totals via the 'Subscription Confirmation' screen; this issue has now been rectified.

  • In some instances, fully paid agreement invoices (with a $0 total) would be thrown out of balance once it hit QuickBooks Online; in one instance, we observed a GST amount of 2c. We're unable to pinpoint exactly what QBO is doing to cause this discrepancy, though in order to better handle this, we've updated the 'Rounding Adjustment' feature to create the adjustment needed to bring the invoice back to $0. 

Wise-Sync - Version 4.6.9

Easily Re-Sync Transactions from Datto Autotask PSA:
  • For any Datto Autotask PSA user re-syncing invoices via the 'Sync Now' screen - we've made significant improvements to now enhance your experience. 

Errors -

  • Previously, any invoice that resulted in an error (red) during a sync would result in the 'Web Service Date' not being set on the invoice in Datto Autotask PSA. Now, this invoice can easily be re-synced by clicking 'New Sync'. 

Warnings and Successful Syncs -

  • For any invoice that formerly resulted in a success or warning, the 'Web Service Date' has now been set on these invoices in Datto Autotask PSA.

  • In order to re-sync these invoices, the batch must first be deleted, which in turn, will clear the 'Web Service Date'. Once this is completed, click 'New Sync' for the invoices to be available to sync again.
  • Alternatively, these batches can also be deleted via the 'Sync History' screen.


Other Updates:
  • When creating an item in Xero, the 'Purchase Description' was not being set when syncing invoices and procurement from ConnectWise. We've corrected this issue to ensure that this feature is now set from the 'Product Description' in ConnectWise. 

  • When syncing COGS Journals as a draft from ConnectWise, duplicate Manual Journal drafts were created; this has been corrected.

  • The Wise-Pay cost wasn't displaying correctly due to a sign-up flow issue; this has been rectified. 

Various Bug Fixes to Resolve Issues for the ConnectWise REST Integration (Currently in BETA):

  • The unit cost of items was being set as the sales unit price in Xero. 

  • There was a recurring Xero Connection error on the Sync screen indicating the access token was not set.

  • The prompt 'Sequence contains no elements' had occurred as Wise-Sync wasn't passing through an appropriate 'Thru Date' to create a batch for invoices with today's date. 

For further updates regarding v4.6.9, you can view our full Release Notes here.

Wise-Pay - Version 1.6.9


Email Notifications' Sender and Reply To Details:

Sender Email Address - 

  • We've introduced 'notify@wise-pay.com' as the sender address for event notifications sent via email. This email address was formerly 'noreply@wise-sync.com,' which didn't provide the recipient, especially payers, with any context; as these recipients may not have know who Wise-Sync was, which increased the risk of notifications being ignored.

  • This new sender address is now set by default for new merchants, while notifications sent from existing merchants will still be sent from 'noreply@wise-sync.com'; Merchant Administrators are now enabled to update the sender email address via the 'Event Notification' configuration.

Sender Company - 

  • In addition to the newly updated sender email address, Merchants may also include their 'Company Name' as the sender. When configuring 'Event Notifications,' simply enable 'Include your company name in the from email display name,' and the sender details will appear in emails as 'Wise-Pay on behalf of Company Name'. 

Reply To Name and Email Address - 

  • Responses to sent email notifications can now be delivered to a specific name and email address. When enabled, define the 'Reply to' display name, along with the 'Reply to' email address. 

  • When configuring these 'Event Notifications', enable the function 'Include reply-to email'. When these email notifications are enabled, the name will default to the 'Enquiries Contact Name' and 'Email Address' via the branding configuration for your merchant. 

  • If an 'Enquiries Contact Name' and 'Email Address' isn't defined, it will default to the 'Billing Contact Name' we have listed for the Merchant's account subscription. The fields can be edited to suit your needs. 

For further information regarding v1.6.9, you can view our full Release Notes here.