Xero Hits One Million - A Look at our Collective Growth 5 Years On

Xero Hits One Million - A Look at our Collective Growth 5 Years On

It wasn't that long ago (in software years it might be an eternity) that Xero was a glimmer in the eye of our Ninja Master and Founder Paul MacNeill's eye. With dreams of building an integration between ConnectWise and Xero, believing that it was a platform destined for great things. Having seen Xero at an accounting convention, Paul could see the difference that a better accounting system could have for his growing MSP.  Now over 1,000,000 businesses just like ours have made the swicth to beautiful accounting.


Today, that vision was validated by Xero, having hit the One Million Subscriber base. It's no small feat to take a business from Zero to Hero in such a short period. What is clear though is that lilke the APRAnet (now known as the Internet) this cloud accounting fad is here to stay.

As a business that has built it's own success on the back of products like Xero, it's important to recognise the growth of Wise-Sync as a result of the increase in popularity of Xero. Together with the launch of Wise-Pay in early 2016, Wise-Sync continues to go from strength to strength as we head towards 350 using Wise-Sync and 100 partners trusting Wise-Pay to automate the cashflows in their business.  



On behalf of all of the Wise-Sync Team, a special congratulations to the team at Xero for getting the jauggernaught off the ground.