Get Started With WisePay

ConnectWise PSA and QuickBooks Desktop users, consider this your fast tracked application! Easily sign up for WisePay for PSA, and create your online account today, with: 

  • No quoting process or sales conversations needed; 
  • No delay getting started so that you can process payments even quicker; 
  • No sign-up fee! 

Interested to know more first?  Explore the full benefits of WisePay for ConnectWise PSA

Need help creating your account?  Please see our FAQ section below.


First thing's first, are you ready?

Please select ONE of the following options.


WisePay is only available in The United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


I invoice out of ConnectWise PSA

I invoice out of ConnectWise PSA

I do not invoice out of ConnectWise PSA.

I do not use Xero / QuickBooks Online

I do use Xero / QuickBooks Online


Frequently Asked Questions

Where is WisePay available?
Currently WisePay is only available in The United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
What happens after I create an account?

After you create an account, you'll automatically be redirected to: 

Step 1. Complete the merchant application;

Step 2. You'll then be directed to complete the final application with the payment processor.

What is the WisePay for PSA Digital Sign Up?

If eligible, the digital sign-up tool allows you to create your own WisePay for PSA account online.

This new tool assures a fast-tracked and efficient sign-up and activation process, enabling your company to start processing payments sooner.

Who's eligible to use this tool?

ConnectWise PSA users who utilize a desktop accounting platform (not a cloud accounting package) are eligible to sign up for WisePay for PSA online here.

How much does it cost to sign up?

There are no subscription fees for this product. Payment processing charges can be found here

Who can I contact if I'm unable to create an account?

Should you run into any issues when attempting to create an account, please contact one of our dedicated Sales Engineers for assistance. 

Alternatively, you may encounter an error due to any of the following reasons:

  • You already have an account in our system; 
  • Your company is already in our system; 
  • We could not validate your password; 
  • You did not accept all of the terms of the agreement. 
Why haven't I received a confirmation email after setting up my account?

If you're yet to receive a confirmation email outlining the next steps involved, please check your spam inbox first for an email from

If you still haven't receive it, please click this link to view the email.

What steps are needed to set up an account with WisePay?

Please follow these three steps to get started with WisePay: 

Step 1: Create a WisePay for PSA account.

Step 2: Complete the Merchant application.

Step 3: Set up an account with our payment processor.

Once you've completed these initial steps, our Merchant Operations team will be in touch to finalize your account. 

How do I log in to my account?

To access your account, please visit Here, please click the 'Login' button on the top righthand corner of the page -

Alternatively, simply visit here to log in:

Who can I contact if I'm not eligible to use this tool?

Should you experience any difficulty due to ineligibility (i.e. you're using cloud accounting software like Xero / QuickBooks Online, or do not use ConnectWise PSA) -

Please contact our Sales team to discuss your needs: Book a meeting with one of our Payments Sales Specialists here.

I'm encountering technical errors, what should I do?

There are a few things that could be happening: 

  • Your screen may hang momentarily after you've clicked either the 'Next' or 'Submit' button: Please refresh your browser and start again. 
  • You receive an Uh Oh! error: Our application may be down due to maintenance, please try again in 10 minutes. 
Should you continue to encounter errors during this sign up process, please contact Support.