Your Greater Payment Experience Awaits

Take Back Control With An All-In-One Solution 

WisePay for PSA (WP4PSA) automates the management, collection, and reconciliation of credit card and direct debit request (ACH) payments, making it easier than ever before for you to get paid on time, every time.

Untitled design (3)Less time spent chasing payments means more time to focus on the business (not in it). Empower your customers with a seamless payment experience while improving cash flow through the heavily reduced risk of late payments.

By setting up automatic payments, you're able to empower customers with a seamless payment experience, and to ensure that you receive payments on time, every time. This can improve your cash flow, reduce the risk of late payments, and free time for you to focus on what matters most: Building your business.

But don't just take our word for it, join WisePay for PSA and may your greatest payment experience begin!  


Why WisePay for PSA?

WisePay simplifies payment collection so you can easily manage scheduled payments, with flexible options to automatically schedule payments based on invoice terms for customers withstanding debt agreements for example, allowing you to get paid faster every time (with one system, fewer delays).

With WisePay for PSA, your customers can:

  • Easily pay for invoices via Credit Card or Bank Debit;
  • Send secure payments without a login;
  • Save, add, or edit payment methods (DDR / ACH / and CC payments);
  • Set up Automatic Payments and schedule payments in advance;
  • View and download invoices; 
  • And more.

To explore the full feature list, simply download the brochure here.